Logos Hope visited Landak regency in 2013

READ MORE - Logos Hope visited Landak regency in 2013

Kunjungan Natal Keluarga Semarang

Bulan Desember bulan Natal dan tentunya bulan penuh kegembiraan, hehe... walaupun kesibukan masih melanda, seperti hujan yang tak henti-hentinya membasahi bumi Kalimatan Barat, tapi tetap semangat ... yah, itulah kegembiraan yang timbul dihati.. Natal, Christmas, new year, kunjungan.. dll.
Setiap tahunnya kami berkunjung sambil rekreasi di pulau lain, Jawa atau Bali, tapi tahun ini 2013 kami tidak melakukan kunjungan seperti biasanya, tapi kami dikunjungi dari keluarga Semarang.. sebuah anugerah bisa berkumpul dengan keluarga besar di kota Ngabang..
Semoga Natal Tahun ini membawa berkat yang luar biasa buat kami dan keluarga besar kami, baik yang di Ngabang, Pontianak, Bali, dan Semarang... Tuhan memberkati.
READ MORE - Kunjungan Natal Keluarga Semarang

Momen Natal 2012

Pelayanan ke GKJ 2012
Natal Gereja GKJ Semarang
Rekreasi keluarga Semarang
Moment renang bareng keluarga Semarang
Natal Keluarga Damar, Rawa Pening Semarang
Study Tour bersama mahasiswa UNAKI Ngabang
Bedugul Bali
Pantai Kuta Bali
READ MORE - Momen Natal 2012

The impact of social media in developing knowledge

Social media currently become crucial for almost people. It can be positive and negative impact, but in this moment specially I will write about positive things from social media. most of adult has used this media to connect them with their interpersonal life. There are many kinds of social media that can be a choice to use e.g : facebook, twitter, bogspot, etc. We can also use all of them that suitable with our favor. If you like to share and look for new friends or keep in touch with your old friends, certainly you can use facebook to cover your want, and then if you like to write something about your thought you can use blogspot, or twitter to cover all you relationship. Thereby we are as a user of them, we have to be able to choose which is the best for us, which will benefit us.

In educational world, it also has positive impact for teachers and students. Many teachers have used this sophisticated technology for educational aims, they used it to connect with their students and the most crucial thing is easily they can look for the newest information about their subject. The teachers also can connect and keep in touch with other teachers in all over the world, and of course they can share their knowledge each others. For students, social media can help them to communicate with their classmate out of school, they also can share about their problem in learning, certainly they also can look for the information they need to do their homework or assigment given by their teachers or instructors. For both teachers and students, the teachers are able to make a page in facebook to gather all students in the school to join the page, and in the page they can share knowledge or subject to each others and also the students can ask questions, ask explanations that can't not be tackled in classroom.

Teacher is the leader of the class. He is the source of information for the students. He is the guide to get knowledge. Thereby teacher has a compulsory to provide all the students' needs above, so teacher must learn much than student, if student wants to know about something, of course the teacher has able to answer with clear exlpanation. 

Social media has become something crucial in small town and as well as village where availability of library and other sources are almost nothing. In the social media like facebook, we can join to a group where the members share e-book or downloadable source. Now everything can be shared from one country to another country through social media, we are able to visit visual library without attending to the library, we only provide one laptop and internet connection we can directly invite, connect, share, download and even to communicate with public figure that be our idol.

And finally I would suggest specially to teachers in Indonesia to use a social media to increase their knowledge. Teachers must learn, teachers must encourage students to read more. And of course theachers must be able to be their idol, their guide, and their best personal that can be followed by them.
I hope the education in Indonesia will be better in the future. Bravo Indonesia!..
READ MORE - The impact of social media in developing knowledge

Perhaps these hobbies can relieve your stress, Try them!

Who's never felt stress in life?, Who's never had problem in life?, I think as a human being we naturally have ever felt the stress and problem. Stress can come to our life anytime and stress can be caused of a lot of things, e.g : Our work, or perhaps unemployment person can be a cause of stress. Becareful with our mind and thinking about something that we can not reach can cause stress too. So, just relax don't think too much, take a rest if you feel tired.
But to relieve the stress someone can do many things that he or she regards it can relieve it. In my opinion the activities can releive the stress can be various, these are:

Actually this activity is very useful not only for a hobby but also can make money. In this case I write about the hobby. If you have a large house yard  both in front of and back of the house you can manage it become something beautiful and useful. This is the best way to overcome our negative thinking about something, someone or situation we face. I think we can grow various plantings like fruit and flowers.

The next is blogging, for some people write blog can cause stress, because in writing blog we think a lot. Of course this opinion is depend on someone's opinion. In my opinion, writing blog is one of the best activity, with this I can express my thoughts.

Fotography is one of hobby that can be a professional job, with learning this hobby seriously, we can take a lot of advantages, like enjoying the time with friends, go everywhere to look for a good sighseeing to take picture, make a photographer club that can share anything about taking picture and of course at last this hobby can make money.


Book Club
This hobby is for someone who loves reading book, it usually does by swaping short-story book each others. Book is the most important thing in learning something, a lot of reading will make us understand the world. This club commonly exist in city, because at there many books are available to swap among book collection. In small town or village the book collectors can not make a club because the condition and unavailable book. In small town also there is not library and complete book store.

This is other hobbies besides Book Club which collects and swaps the book. Many things we can collect e,g : stamps collection, flowers collection, toys collection, bottles collection, and the like. To relieve our stress or boring about something we can begin with collection something that we like. If we like natural condition we can collect some flowers, and perhaps if we like stamps we can collect stamp from various coountries in this world and also we can know or make friends with foreign stamp collectors.
Playing Music
One of hobby most teenagers like is playing music. With playing music they can develop their skill in playing   music instrument and even if they learn it seriously it can become a professional job like an musci artist, band, etc. Not only teenagers like playing such kinds of music instrument but also many adults like to play music. Most of them says that it is the best way to relieve stress and also it can inspire.

Most people like this hobby from children, teenagers, adults and even old people like this hobby. With doing exercise not only we will get helthy body but also we can gather with sport lovers. Many kinds of sport we can do everyday or weekend like healthy walking, jogging, football club, tennis club, badminton club or futsal club. I think the most easiest and the most cheapest sport is Jogging, Jogging is simple sport, only with walking or running we can get fresh and of course can relieve stresss.

I hope this writing will be useful for all readers, thanks for dropping by at my blog. Please share anything you know about hobby or your hobbies to resonse this blog by giving a comment below.. God bless you All...
READ MORE - Perhaps these hobbies can relieve your stress, Try them!

Drink a cup of coffee in the morning ...

Morning without drinking a cup of coffee is incomplete, start the day with drink it. I don't know why I should drink it everyday, but I feel so fresh after drink it, a cup of coffee can be inspired me.
What is the inspiration can come to our mind?, much, yes much inspiration that can make our mind brighter.
I do this activity everyday, I mean drinking a cup of coffee, which can bring us to real activity like doing our job.
In writing this posting while i am drinking a cup of coffee I write about my home town Ngbang, yes Ngabang is my home town. Ngabang is the capital of Landak Regency where located in Kalimantan Barat. 

Ngabang's forest
I have many questions address to our local government, but one thing that I always remember is about tourism object or public place for the people. There is no open place to gather with friends, no representative tourism object here. Local government have ever planned to built town park in Km 3, where people in Ngabang town can enjoy, gather and hang out. But all the planning has not realized until now.

Landak's Keraton
In my opinion Ngabang has many recreational places to evolve, First is the forest around it. Forest can be a palce to develope by the local government, forest is green, forest can be a beautiful park and certainly still nature. The second is Landak river, the local government should has a lot of idea about how to develop Landak river in order to be a recreational place. But what happen to our river now, it has contaminated with rubbish, illegal gold timber, and the fact now the river can not be used as a consumption and other activities. In addition landak river can be develope become a water recreation.

Landak's River
The next is Landak's keraton, this is historical heritage. It can be tourism object that of course can attract tourist both domestic and international tourist, but it must be managed well, and make it very interesting to enjoy and explor.
And finally still many objects and traditional cultures can be explor and develop by local government, I think this is the moment for us and local government to support each other to create and develop our potential object.......

-- Adil Ka Talino Bacuramin Ka Saruga Basengat Ka Jubata --

READ MORE - Drink a cup of coffee in the morning ...

Bagan Asam's New Road

Teachers in remote area have many challenges, one of them is how to teach students to have a social skill. I think this skill is needed and important to all school in the world. In remote area, as a teacher we are demanded in order to have social skill too, we must able to sociate and get in touch with villagers where their life is so simple, yes they have simple life, everyday they go to the forest to do some activities like go fishing, hunting animal, gardening, etc.
nearly 100% the villagers are rubber farmer, so they spend their time in the forest everyday. after they take the rubber they continue with another activities like hunting animal for the men, and for the women they direct to go home to prepare lunch or dinner for their husband and children. 
This is Bagan Asam village, where situated in Sanggau regency, Kalimantan Barat and this village is included remote area because of many reasons and one of them is isolated place where if someone wants to go to this village must pass the river on boat,There is no land road.
Good news was happened in this village where head of village elected two months ago was someone from this village. It means that all village control, management and leader are from this village. so, what is the first benefit for the situation?, yes, finally we have a land road which is built by coorporation through CSR program from the enterprise that operate around in this village.
I like this situation and so do the villagers, they are very happy, finally they can see and walk on this road even though this road is still in bad condition where motocycle and car can not use this road, but we hope our local government pay attention serously to this condition, we want to have a permanent road that can connect one place to another.
Not only for the villagers but also for school citizen are very happy, of course this conditon will make us more easy to handle this school...
READ MORE - Bagan Asam's New Road

UKG (Uji Kompetensi Guru) Online di SMPN 2 Sanggau tahun 2013

Untuk postingan kali ini saya akan menceritakan sedikit pengalaman saya dalam mengikuti Uji Kompetensi Guru secara online di SMPN 2 Sanggau. Kenapa di SMP 2 Sanggau?, ya itu sudah di tentukan oleh kementerian pendidikan nasional yang beralamat di http://www.sergu.kemdiknas.go.id. dan setiap guru yang belum bersertifikat pendidik dan memiliki NUPTK pasti terdaftar dalam web tersebut. 

Pengumuman yang diberikan dinas pendidikan kabupaten Sanggau untuk pelaksanaa UKG online yang di mulai dari tanggal 3 juli 2013, dan kebetulan saya ditetapkan pelaksanaan nya pada tanggal 11 Juni 2013. Buat rekan-rekan guru yang tidak begitu fasih dengan komputer, jangan kuatir, sebab hanya dengan mengetahui cara memegang mouse dan cara mengkliknya, anda pasti bisa mengikuti UKG Onine tersebut, tidak ada keahlian komputer khusus dalam proses pelaksanaan ujian tersebut, namun yang terpenting adalah kita menguasai kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi professional.

Ujian tersebut berlangsung selama dua  jam, dan penghitungan waktu di mulai dari kapan kita mengerjakan soal-soal ujian tersebut, jadi panitia lokal tidak bisa menentukan waktu kapan berakhirnya ujian tersebut, semua sudah tertera di komputer masing-masing. Sesama peserta ujian mungkin saja memiliki waktu selesai yang berbeda tergantung kapan kita memualinya. O ya, kita tidak perlu harus bersusah payah untuk berlatih terlebih dahulu sebelum pelaksanaan ujian tersebut, misalnya sebulan atau seminggu sebelum ujian kita harus latihan, itu tidak perlu dikarenakan pada saat pelaksanaan ujian online kita akan di pandu oleh panitia yang tentunya memiliki kredibilitas di bidang nya, dan pada saat itu juga kita akan diberikan penjelasan bagaimana cara pelaksanaan ujiannya dan tekniknya, sangat jelas.

Sebuah insiden terjadi pada saat sebelum pelaksanaan ujian berlangsung, pada saat pengecekan kartu ujian dan itu terjadi pada kepala sekolah SMPN 2 Toba, yaitu yang berhubungan dengan mata pelajaran yang diampu, ternyata mata pelajaran yang di ijazah berbeda dengan apa yang ada di kartu pelaksanaan sertifikasi. Team dari LPMP Kalbar menjelaskan kepada kepala sekolah tersebut, bahwa sebenarnya ini bisa diperbaiki sebelumnya dengan berkonsultasi kepada dinas pendidikan, tetap sudah terlambat untuk mengikuti UKG tahun 2013 ini dan dengan terpaksa kepala sekolah tersebut harus menunggu untuk tahap tahun berikutnya.
Barangkali ini adalah merupakan pelajaran yang berharga buat sang kepala sekolah dan juga buat kita sebagai guru, apalagi guru yang bertugas di daerah pedalaman yang sangat minim informasi, kita harus pro aktif, harus bertanya kepada teman-teman yang berada di kota atau paling tidak berdekatan dengan dinas pendidikan agar selalu update informasi. Untuk teman-teman yang belum terjadwal UKG tahun ini, saya rasa postingan ini akan sangat membantu anda dalam mengikuti UKG pada tahun depan, dan semoga apa yang saya tuliskan ini menjadi berkat dan manfaat buat siapa saja yang membacanya terutama guru yang dalam persiapan mengikuti UKG online berikutnya.... :)
READ MORE - UKG (Uji Kompetensi Guru) Online di SMPN 2 Sanggau tahun 2013

Congratulation for all students of SMPN 3 SATAP TOBA!

Although we only have 6 students in our school, we thank God that He gaves us a big opportunity to teach students in remote area. Actually, having six students in one school like junior high school is not enough, may be the ideal is at least fifty students, so we can do an effective study where the students can compete each others. In this condition I mean have only six students we can not do many things, for example: if we want to play sport like volly ball, football, Futsal, etc, so how can we do the sports, Volleyball needs twelve and football needs twenty two students. Only few things that we can do in developing the activities.

We also thank to all villagers, they have been helping us in supporting the students in learning at home, without them, we can not do many things in developing school program. You know it is very difficult to order them to come to school everyday, they are more interesting to make money with going to the forest to look for rubber, hunting animals. They also help their family economy.

One thing that makes us very happy that is all of them passed the national final examination. Althought we don not have many facilities, but we can teach them well, so they can study and get good mark. Congratulation fo all students of Bagan Asam Junior High School and God bless you all.
READ MORE - Congratulation for all students of SMPN 3 SATAP TOBA!

After fifteen years, I visit my isolated village (Lumar).

Engkanyar (Lumar) is one of hundred villages in Landak regency, West Borneo. This is my visiting after I graduated from Senior High School more than fifteen years ago. At that time, Engkanyar was very isolated village where someone wanted to go there must prepare everything. You know, we have to prepare our physical first, because if we want to reach in one day, so we have to go on foot, yes, just on foot. You can imagine, if we walk all the time in one day without stopping in a long time, I mean we stop just take arest in a couple time, after that we have to continue walk before the day dark. 

Actually, we have two choices if we want to go to the village, first one we can go on foot, and the second one we can go through river with motor boat, but it takes about two days and this way can be used if there is motor boat that want to go there,and if there is no motor boat, we have to wait until it's available. It was very isolated village at that time. But although the way was very difficult to reach, every one or two years I visited my village with my friends. 
The condition I described above is very different from recently condition. It takes only two hours from the place where I live now, Ngabang. Yes, now I and other villagers can go to it whenever we want. We should thanks to the company which built their business at the village, it has impact to the developing of our village, and in fact our road can be passed by car or motorcycle, besides that, the developing of human resources increase step by step, local government has built elementary school and junior high school at there. 

I think this village is more Exciting than fifteen years ago, and the most important is the villagers are very kind to visitors. God bless this village and the villagers.

These pictures will show you the newest of Engkanyar condition ...

READ MORE - After fifteen years, I visit my isolated village (Lumar).

Ide kreatif dari sepupu :) Ban Bekas!

Ban bekas untuk semua tanaman
Ada kolam ikan juga
Ban bekas sebagai pot cemara

Ada aja ide sepupu, dari membuat kolam hingga semua tanaman dan bunga di beri pot berupa ban bekas dan kebetulan ban bekas memang sangat mudah kita temukan dan bahkan menjadi barang rongsok yang harus dibuang atau dibakar :), ya ban bekas ini bisa kita temukan di setiap bengkel terdekat rumah kita, tinggal minta aja ban bekas nya, pasti di beri deh:), tapi kalau yang punya bengkel gak pakai loh! ...
Ide pemberian ban bekas, tapi harus di balik terlebih dahulu sebagai pengganti pot ini adalah ketika aku mulai menanam beberapa tanaman buah-buahan seperti: jambu, durian, mangga, jeruk, dll. Saat aku menanamnya kemudian bersamaan di beri pupuk kandang, ini mengundang ayam-ayam tetangga yang jumlahnya cukup banyak untuk merusaknya, nah ayam-ayam ini kan hobi nya mencari binatang-binatang kecil dan cacing sekitar tanah buat makanannya, dan kebetulan setiap tanaman itu aku beri pupuk kandang yang gembur dan tentunya sangat menarik perhatian ayam-ayam itu, hasilnya tanaman dan pupuk kandang tadi habis berantakan.. rusak pokonya!, jadi sia-sia deh pupuk kandangnya, kan ndak mungkin juga kita harus menunggu tanaman itu terus menerus supaya aman dari serbuan ayam-ayam yang lapar tadi..:)
Karena cerita itu lah muncul ide kreatif sepupu... 
Bagai mana dengan anda?, manfaatkan sesuatu yang berguna di sekeliling kita,..
READ MORE - Ide kreatif dari sepupu :) Ban Bekas!

Menyusun kalimat dengan Word Order

Teman-teman seperjuangan
Untuk postingan berikut ini saya akan membahas mengenai Word Order. Materi word order ini akan kita jumpai baik di tingkat SMP, SMA dan bahkan di Perguruan Tinggi, tentunya dengan komposisi yang berbeda sesuai tingkatannya. Sebelum masuk ke penjelasan yang sesungguhnya :), sedikit akan saya gambarkan ke dalam contoh bahasa Indonesia terlebih dahulu.
Memang dalam bahasa Indonesia kita tidak perlu bingung-bingung untuk menyusun sebuah kalimat yang mempunyai kata sifat lebih dari satu.
Misalnya: sebuah mobil merah baru buatan Amerika.
Melewati sungai Labai
Nah, dari contoh sederhana di atas itu disebut dengan frasa kata benda. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita boleh membolak balik posisi penempatan kata-kata sifat di atas seperti: merah, baru, buatan Amerika. Misalnya: mobil buatan Amerika merah baru, atau mobil baru merah buatan Amerika.
Dari contoh tersebut, kita tidak perlu bingung untuk menyusun kalimat-kalimat tersebut, saya pikir semua contoh tersebut bisa kita gunakan untuk menjelaskan si kata benda (car). 
Dalam bahasa Inggris kita perlu memperhatikan aturan dalam menyusun kata-kata sifat dan kata benda tersebut. Coba kita terjemahkan contoh tersebut ke dalam bahasa Inggris, susunan seperti apa yang kita buat? apakah an American red new car atau a new red American car atau a red new American car?.
Untuk menyusun itu kita perlu memahami pembentukan word order, oke ... dibawah ini akan saya jelaskan mengenai word order tersebut.
Kita mulai ...
Sebenarnya untuk menyusun kalimat tersebut kita hanya perlu mengetahui dan menghafal rumus atau pola baku, seperti apa pola tersebut? di bawah ini susunan nya...

The, a, an, some, any, few, little, etc
Nice, good, beautiful, bad, smart, clever,etc
Small, big, large, wide, tiny, thin, thick,etc
Old, new, modern, etc
Cold, hot, warm, cool, etc
Roud, square, etc
Blue, yellow, green, etc
Japanese, Indonesian, American
Silky, wooden, etc
Painted, colored, etc
Door, window, car, book, etc

Nah, susunan diatas sudah baku, harus kita ikuti!, aturan susunan di mulai dari atas hingga turun kebawah atau dimulai dari determiner hingga ke Noun. Maka dari itu contoh diatas bisa kita terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dengan mudah. Contoh tadi yaitu: sebuah  mobil merah baru buatan Amerika, akan kita terjemahkan:
  • Sebuah adalah determiner (a, an)
  • Mobil adalah sebuah noun (car)
  • merah adalah color (red)
  • baru adalah age (new)
  • dan buatan Amerika adalah origin (American)
Berdasarkan pola tersebut diatas maka susunan untuk "sebuah mobil merah baru buatan Amerika" adalah, 
A new red American car. (sebuah mobil buatan Amerika merah yang baru).
Ya, demikianlah cara menyusun kalimat tersebut diatas, sekali lagi kita harus mengikuti aturan yang sudah dibuat. Tapi untuk mengingat susunan tersebut memang sulit juga karena terlalu banyak susunannya, tapi ada cara mudah yaitu dengan menyingkatnya menjadi DOSA TeSha COM PaN.
mudah-mudahan bisa dimengerti :), cobalah terjemahkan kalimat di bawah ini

Sebuah rumah besar  luas baru terbuat dari kayu yang Indah.    

Oke, saya rasa cukup untuk penjelasan kali ini, semoga tulisan kali ini bermanfaat buat kita semua. thanks and God bless ...............

Source: dari berbagai sumber dan buku pegangan mengajar bahasa Inggris.

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READ MORE - Menyusun kalimat dengan Word Order